

Yoga has offered me the opportunity to reconnect, tap into my intuition and blossom in unimaginable ways. The feeling of warmth in my heart paired with the movement of breath throughout my body is now my life. Simply put, I love yoga and what it has and continues to offer me – it never lets me down!

Every time I show up on my mat I experience a new and different adventure. Thriving on the challenges presented to me allows me to process feelings within my body. The overall comfort consistently reconnects me with my mind, body, soul and importance of self love.

My personal mission is to share the life-enriching gift of yoga, or union, with fellow individuals offering them the ability to connect more deeply. With intention to be an inspiration for others, I strive to continually deepen my studies and personal growth. I pledge to make lifestyle decisions and set goals in order to best support myself, others and our amazing planet.

The importance of serving ourselves is a concept that has been quite challenging for me due to my love for helping others. Through yoga, I have found the connection to service without losing the connection to serve oneself. We can not fill someones else’s cup unless ours is full.

When we step onto the mat, let go, release, re-center, connect and balance, we are able to show up more aware in the surrounding world. We make better decisions when taking our practice off the mat which is where the true beauty lies. Yoga is not only movement and asanas, it is a way of life.

As a yoga teacher, my aim is to offer a connection, safety and awareness to fellow individuals by offering a non-judgmental, open and accepting environment filled with positivity and opportunity.

RYT 200 Kunga Yoga Certified Teacher

Wilmington Yoga Center, Wilmington, NC

Kunga yoga is for people of all abilities, shapes and backgrounds. It shares the mission of yoga as a path of service, and each month, offers a focused theme on how we can practice our yoga in the world. All Kunga Yoga teachers donate 5% of the proceeds from their classes to the Kunga Fund which benefits underserved populations. The mission for all Kunga classes is to continually build a community of big hearts and dirty hands, to live the slogan, “Learn, Laugh, Grow, SERVE!”

Eat Breathe Thrive Facilitator

Eat Breathe Thrive™ is a non-profit organization that prevents and helps individuals fully recover from disordered eating and negative body image through evidence-based programs that integrate yoga, community and service.

Half a lifetime ago, during transitional High School years, I found my mind swirling with endless thoughts, my body becoming numb to feelings and an unhealthy need for control taking over my strong, athletic body. Unaware of what was occurring, I looked to a team of professionals to help guide me into a place of self-discovery and better understanding of the disordered eating challenge I was being faced with.

Grateful for support and personal desire to heal, I was extremely fortunate to embrace a journey to recovery. Initially introduced to my first yoga classes while spending a summer studying at the University of Hawaii, it became a healthy way for me to connect mind, body and soul, learn the beauty of breath and better understand myself and the importance of self-love, nourishment and expressing emotion. This tremendous opportunity opened a door inward thus being a catalyst in navigating the ups and downs of daily life. With gratitude, I am thankful for my experiences to date paving my way to expanded understanding of self and others.

As I continue to navigate and evolve with presence, helping others and sharing my gift of creativity is very important to me. I am humbled and honored to share my personal story with you holding space for continued recovery, healing and happiness for all beings.

2005 Published Recovery Article (click image to read)connections-article-sara-kosteva_cropped


Lifestyle Meditation Teacher

Meditation has offered The Fae Group an opportunity to evolve personally and professionally thru a daily centering of energy, thoughts and desires. This presence maximizes our ability to show up in the world and make a difference.

Our mission is to empower sustainable transformation in others by offering meditation classes and programs that are educational, practical and easily accessible. Lifestyle Meditation is a passionate group of dedicated teachers that have joined together because we have found meditation to be an invaluable tool for personal stress management and spiritual growth. We believe that with the right information and support, anyone and everyone can heal and grow themselves and others.

Meditation has been shown to:

  • Manage stress
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Decrease heart rate and blood pressure
  • Enhance oxygen usage
  • Regulate digestion
  • Increase metabolism
  • Increase immune system function
  • Enhance clarity
  • Enhance memory retention
  • Yield a greater sense of peace

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